Common Cold Symptoms

Being one of frequently occurring diseases across the world, it is always preferable to be acquainted with the different common cold symptoms. Common cold strikes due to a viral infection and what’s more new strains of viruses keep developing constantly, over time. You probably are a victim of common cold more number of times than any other disease.

common cold symptoms
common cold symptoms

The symptoms of patients hit by common cold.

The onset of common cold symptoms, takes usually 1-3 days after being infected by the virus. The symptoms last for about 5 days to 2 weeks depending on the severity of the infection. If the symptoms are persistent even after then chances are it isn’t common cold you are affected by. Some symptoms of common cold are:

  • Throat irritation.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Mild to severe headaches.
  • Thickened mucus.
  • Cough.
  • Sneezing.
  • Fatigue.

Keep a check on the spread of common cold.

Normally common cold is caused due to a vector virus; it spreads through contact with an already infected individual. That is why if you are infected by a common cold virus it is generally suggested that you stay indoors, to prevent the spread of the disease. A sneeze of cough is all it takes for the virus to spread itself, which is why covering your mouth and nose while doing so is advised.

Is it dependent on the weather?

As opposed to the traditional belief of you catching a cold is dependent on the weather, it is not so. Although low humidity encourages the spread of any virus, but common cold can strike you at any time of the year. Recirculated air or air conditioning systems can also aid the spread of the virus. Sharing of personal items such as towels and handkerchiefs can turn to be a great media for the virus to spread. When you are suffering from any of the common cold symptoms, you should refrain from sharing the personal items, preventing the spread of the virus.

A raised temperature and muscle ache.

Common cold symptoms can also include a raised body temperature, which is mostly observed in kids. During common cold your body temperature might rise to 104°F, It is your body’s defense mechanism kicking into action. It might also be accompanied by muscle pains, weakening your body. Massages might prove to be helpful in such situations.

The runny nose and blocked nose.

runny nose
runny nose

Sore throat and a blocked nose are some of the most irritating common cold symptoms. A blocked nostril can be quite inconvenient to breathe through, while the runny nose will make you run for your handkerchief from time to time. A sore throat worsens the matter at hand with mucus pilling up in its walls.

Your loss of appetite is common.

Decreased appetite is also a very common symptom; a nauseating tendency is often accompanied with it. During common colds your body is bound to get more tired than usual, it is the cause of the virus infestation in your body. Avoiding heavy work is often advised, as your body has a reduced efficiency and certain amount of fatigue.

When the conditions escalate you might start facing neck pains and stiff necks.

The mucus changes its consistency.

During the course of the disease it is a well known common cold symptom that the clear discharge from your runny nose to change it’s color. It turns to a yellowish shade, which later turns into a greenish discharge, with gradual thickening of the mucus.


Sophia is a fresh graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. Her forte is writing short essays and stories to help encourage kids to have a passion in writing. She is currently working as a freelance writer for and a hands-on mother to 4 cats. :)