Throat Infection And Its Curing

Know your throat infection and its curing.

You might be having an irritable cough or suffering from a cold, though the reasons are varied but mostly due to infections, let us look at some of the common known causes of throat infection and its curing. Throat infections can be the out come of varied diseases ranging from common reasons to much severe ones. It can add to quite an amount of discomfort and uneasiness.

throat infection
throat infection

So, what causes the infections?

Throat infections or sore throat is mainly symptoms of any viral infections pertaining to the respiratory system. It is a best practice to consult a doctor in case of a persisting throat irritation; usually these infections arise out of bacteria and viral outbreaks, some known are:

  • Infection of laryngitis.
  • Measles or chicken pox.
  • The kissing disease.
  • Inflamed tonsil glands.
  • Inflamed epiglottis.
  • Strep throat.
  • Diphtheria.

Other than the above mentioned diseases, a sore throat can merely be the outcome of common cold or other diseases.

Know the cause to cure it better.

It is very important to pin point the exact cause from the symptoms, as it makes understanding throat infection and it’s curing easier, to quite an extent. Mostly the infections are viral outbreaks on the layers lining the respiratory tract. The layers are inflamed to an extent obstructing smooth air flow, thickened and accumulating mucus is also a reason for the same. A sore throat maybe also due to sexually transmitted infection, but are very rare.

Always mind the surroundings.

A throat infection can also be caused by environmental factors, especially if you are allergic to certain substances you might choose to keep away from them. Particles such as dust, pollen grains, smoke make your throat quite irritable. Smoking is a major cause of throat problems, inhaling cigarette smoke can make your throat itchy and sore. Passive smoking also is known to cause throat infections, refraining from cigarettes and tobacco products can help you quite a lot.

Does an antibiotic help?


Antibiotics hardly alter the course of a viral infection, though rarely your doctor might prescribe few antibiotics if your situation is worse, but mainly your throat infection and its cure mainly involves a number of natural procedures. During outbreak of a throat infection you should always keep away from any form of smoke, as it aggravates the given situation.

Gargle to get comfortable.

Gargling is very effective during outbreak of throat infection and its curing. You need a glass of lukewarm water, not too hot as it will worsen the condition than do any good. Add about a table spoon of salt to it and gargle once in at least in three to four hour intervals depending on your condition. If you are diagnosed with bacterial infections, like strep throat or diphtheria, the doctor will prescribe you a set of antibiotics. These antibiotics are usually for a course of 10 -15 days, till the inflammation recedes back.

Get in touch with your physician.

For a better examination of your throat infection and its curing, it is best to consult a doctor. If the inflammation is quite persistent and disturbing, your doctor might prescribe you acetaminophen or ibuprofen class of drugs. These non-steroidal drugs are aimed at controlling the inflammation and providing you with much valuable comfort.


Sophia is a fresh graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. Her forte is writing short essays and stories to help encourage kids to have a passion in writing. She is currently working as a freelance writer for and a hands-on mother to 4 cats. :)