How To Get Rid Of A Cough?

How To Get Rid Of A Cough

Most people take coughing as a common symptom of cold. It has many underlying reasons as to the change in the environment causes cold and in turn causes cough. Our eating habits also attribute to coughing, many people eat or drink cold/chilled foodstuff in the hot season which can cause cold and coughing due to irritation in the throat, smoking is the major cause of perpetual coughing for the person who smokes and the people who are subjected to the secondary smoke. Being exposed to smoke, dust, pollution are the major reasons for catching common cold and cough. Allergy caused due to a food object, food color, and artificial flavoring can also be the cause of cold and cough.

How To Get Rid Of A Cough
How To Get Rid Of A Cough

Besides the allopathic medicines offered by the doctor, there are various traditional age-old cough home remedies.

The more natural the remedies the more easier it is for your body to flush out toxins. You cannot get rid of a cough however temporary until your body has rid itself of the phlegm, to get rid of cough you have to amalgamate other cold treatments too. Cough can cause sleepless nights, chest pains, body aches, congestion in breathing, and headaches along with social embarrassment when you get the suspicious glare from people when you cough. You want to get rid of the cough as soon as possible. Amongst the many cures the best ones are available in your home. Some of them are listed below:

1. Warm Salt Water:

gargling with warm water and salt
gargling with warm water and salt

Have a lot of room temperature water. After waking in the morning gargle your throat with warm salt water. The salt temporarily relieves sore throat and soothes cough.

2. Better Diet: Try and eat a diet that does not irritate your throat much.

3. Stay Indoor: Stay away from pollinated vegetation, try and stay indoors, if you stay indoors, do not sit directly under a fan as it makes your environment drier causing irritation in your throat and causing cough.

4. Stay Away From Pollution: Another way to suppress cough is to stay away from pollution, dust, or any other area, which makes you susceptible to coughing.

5. Use Warm Water: In case of a cough you should gargle you throat with warm water.

6. Keep your head and chest area more inclined While Sleeping: While going to bed keep you’re head and chest area more inclined as it avoids your nose if it is stuffy from clogging up. In case of a cold your nose tends to clog up with snort making it difficult for you to breathe through your nose hence, it is your body’s defense mechanism to breathe through your mouth. This causes the throat to dry up and triggers a coughing fit. You can use eucalyptus oil to keep your nose unclogged during the night.

7. Mucus: As soon as the body flushes the mucus from the throat, nose and chest area, you will find relief in your cough. So you have to attack the main enemy that is the mucus built-up in your body.

8. Use Common Home Remedies: You will have to follow the common home remedies like using lemon, honey, garlic, ginger aromatic herbal tea, clear chicken or vegetable soup, holy basil, bishops weed etc.


Sophia is a fresh graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. Her forte is writing short essays and stories to help encourage kids to have a passion in writing. She is currently working as a freelance writer for and a hands-on mother to 4 cats. :)