The Paleo Diet – The Diet Recommended By Nature

Paleo diet
Paleo diet
Paleo diet


The Paleo diet’s name is derived from the Paleolithic era, a time period that ended around ten thousand years ago and lasted around two and a half million years. It was the development of agriculture and the introduction of grain that ended this era. Before that food choices were very different from the way we know them today.


Many refer to the Paleo diet as the Stone Age or Hunter diet. It involves consumption of meat, eggs, fruit, nuts, roots, vegetables and fish. What is excluded is all types of grain, refined and processed food and all legumes. It mainly emphasizes consumption of foods in their most natural form possible. It is a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates.


Consumption of water, coconut water and green tea is recommended in this diet. Regular tea or coffee consumption sis restricted in this diet. If you have a sweet tooth, you can consume coconut palm sugar or honey. This diet also recommends avoiding salt in your diet.


Paleo diet
Paleo diet

This diet recommends some physical activity as well. The philosophy is to eat like cavemen. Cavemen in the Paleolithic ear also hunted and gathered food. While that is not possible in the modern era, equivalent physical activity is recommended in this diet.


The Paleo diet goes back to the philosophy that if the human being’s genetics have not changed since this era ended hence food habits should also be based on that era. Researchers feel that these food consumption habits are a healthier choice and many studies have reported that people’s health improved if they followed this diet.


The main benefits of the Paleo diet are listed below:


Loosing Weight


The Paleo diet consists of foods that have fewer carbohydrates. Once you start following the Paleo diet you will automatically remove all processed foods from your diet. This is trigger immediate weight loss.

Secondly, the energy density of foods in the Paleo diet is low. This means that it helps avoid weight gain due to overeating. People consuming this diet feel full sooner and will most likely not over eat.

Loosing Weight
Loosing Weight


Optimal vitamin and mineral intake

The Paleo diet recommends eating a variety of vegetables and fruit. And further emphasizes to consume them as per the season. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals in optimal quantity and following this diet will ensure that you do not face any deficiencies and will maintain an optimal balance of nutrients in their body.

Optimal vitamin and mineral intake
Optimal vitamin and mineral intake


Less Allergies

Dairy, grain etc are the most common foods causing allergies these days. The Paleo diet does not include these in its food choices. Hence following the Paleo diet leads to lesser occurrence of allergic reactions.


Natural Diet


The paleo diet recommends consumption of foods that the human race has consumed over thousands of years. Thus it argues that we all have the ability to digest the Paleo diet foods. It also recommends consuming these foods in their most natural form, i.e with minimal cooking and preferably eaten raw.

Natural Diet
Natural Diet


Many researchers blame the increase in occurrence of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, depression and infertility on out lifestyle. And our food consumption is an important element of that lifestyle. They recommend sticking to the Paleo diet as a way to stay healthy.


Following the Paleo diet is not easy. But once you follow this for a month and see the benefits, you may find value is sticking to it. Many dieticians recommend consuming Calcium and Vitamin D supplements if you do follow this diet over a longer period of time.


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